2024-01-22 17:19:52 更新

This is a page about me, Because I hadn’t formed a good habit of writing notes and diaries, though I have been to this world for years, some memoris is blurring, so I cann’t write all in one mininute here, I will update this page irregularly. 这儿是我的个人介绍页,由于以前没有形成记录的习惯,活了几十年,有些记忆已经模糊了,因此很难一次性写全,我将不定期更新。
Till now there have three entrance, one is my running page https://run.jiangkai.org , one is my Blog https://www.jiangkai.org , one is here my digital garden https://garden.jiangkai.org . 目前有三个页面,一个是我的跑步页面 https://run.jiangkai.org ,一个是Blog页面 https://www.jiangkai.org ,一个是数字花园页面 https://garden.jiangkai.org
All about the selection of program/apps, process, principles of this three entrance, I will write later, please be patient. 关于这三个页面的建立的程序、软件选择,过程,原则,我后续会慢慢写,请稍安勿躁。
I have these ideas(I mean to set up my personal blog and write something continuously)for not a short time, but no action, now something different, I feel from my deep heart this is nearer, this page is a start, hope I can stick to as plan. 有这些想法(建立自己的blog并持续写、记录)已经有好久了,但一直没有行动,这次不一样了,我自我感觉从来没有哪一次有这么近过,这篇文字就是一个开始,希望能坚持下去。