07:40memos人生 人要有翻篇的能力 One must have the ability to turn the page 不依不饶就是画地为牢 Relentless is to paint the dungeon as a prison 这个世界没有真正快乐的人 There are no really happy people in this world 只有想得开的人 Only those who can 要永远相信 Always believe 所有的山穷水尽都藏着峰回路转 All the mountains and rivers are hidden 就算是一地鸡毛也能搓出一个鸡毛掸子 Even a feather can make a feather duster
08:02memos人生 成长和变更好 Grow and change for the better 是温柔又克制的过程 It’s a gentle, controlled process 温柔面对生活的刺 Gently face the thorns of life 克制拖延 Refrain from delay 克制懒惰 Restrain laziness 克制自己的坏情绪 Keep your bad mood in check 保持好心情 stay in a good mood 把皱皱巴巴的生活熨烫一下 Iron the wrinkled life