2024-03-28 13:54:10 起笔

We believe The World Is Flat which is the core opinion from the book (The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century) written by Thomas L. Friedman, we firmly believe that everyone should benefits, and think everyone can help others and vice versa, so we are committed to promoting more people share these through sharing and mutual assistance. Our team dedicated with passion and professions to connect people with different countries and professions to meet each other’s needs, We use all advanced technologies and software to achieve this goal, especially open source software, ie: Ubuntu, Apache, Mysql, PHP, Prestashop. 我们相信世界是平的,这个观点来源于 托马斯·弗里德曼]撰写的书籍《世界是平的:二十一世纪简史 》,我们坚信每个人都应该受益,并认为每个人都可以帮助别人,反之亦然,所以我们致力于推动更多的人通过分享和互助来分享这些。 我们的团队以热情和专业致力于将不同国家和专业的人们联系起来,以满足彼此的需求,我们使用所有先进的技术和软件来实现这一目标,特别是开源软件,包括:Ubuntu、Apache、Mysql、PHP、Prestashop。

FashionW operates like most B2C ecommerce site for people who cannot buy smoothly from the wide broad chinese market subject to language, logistics and payment restrictions etc, but FashionW is not a commercial site oriented for profits based on our missions. FashionW 与大多数 B2C 电子商务网站一样运行,面向那些因语言、物流和支付限制等原因而无法从广阔的中国市场顺利购买商品的人们,但基于我们的使命,FashionW 不是一个以利润为导向的商业网站。
Our Vision 我们的愿景 To share the benifit of the Flat World. 分享经济全球化的红利。 Our Values 我们的价值观 Trust, Share, Integrate 信任、分享、整合 Our Mission 我们的使命 Share the good quality products from the wide broad chinese to as much people as we can with lower cost. 以更低的成本,将中国市场的优质商品分享给尽可能多的人。