[2024-05-13 16:10:46 回复]


Thank you for getting in touch with us!

Unfortunately, there is no promo season at the moment.

Let me know if I can help you with anything else! Best regards, Suzy Hodovan WebshopWorks.

[2024-05-28 18:26:46 提问]

I also interest with your module creativeslider and creativepopup, but I didnot find a presale contact with those two, so I ask here, hope can get in touch with you. my question is if the license policy of these two(creativeslider and creativepopup) is the same with creative element? when expired one years later, I cannot import any templates anymore? I can only use the module lifetime, but have to create sliders or popups myself? if so? if I can save the templates which have imported from official so as to use even after the licence expired? thanks.